St. Thomas’ Anglican Church Bracebridge Logo

Values and Mission

Grace is the love of God shown to the undeserving. Each of us at St. Thomas gratefully receives this grace and strives to pass it on. How then do we try to reflect this gift of grace?

Most important is that we welcome you and others just as you are. We are not concerned about how fancy your clothes are or how much money is in your bank account or how we may think differently. We are just happy that you would take the time to visit us and give us the opportunity to meet you and fellowship with you. You are valued and we want you to feel safe with us in this crazy chaotic world.

Spiritual Nurture

“Lord I believe. Help my unbelief.” Mark 9:24 NIV1

St. Thomas is a place where doubts are welcomed. It is a place where people admit that they don’t have all the answers. It is a place where questioning is encouraged and personal conscience is respected. It is a place where scripture is the primary element encountered in a worship service, and where the wisdom of scripture is respected. Together we strive to untangle the mysteries of faith. Spiritual nurture is not limited to Sunday Worship services but has been customarily offered throughout the week in Small Groups (for Spiritual Support), Bible Studies, Messy Church and pastoral care.


    The people of St. Thomas are encouraged to pursue the deeper things of God, to grow in faith and to develop their spiritual gifts. The St. Thomas community is connected to other followers of Jesus through the incumbent’s participation in The Bracebridge Ministerial Association. We are connected to the wider church through association with the worldwide Anglican Communion and through the World Council of Churches. Worshippers at St. Thomas stand with all those who follow Jesus and worship God in spirit and in truth.

Radical Hospitality

“For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat.” Matthew 25:35-40

The St. Thomas community takes seriously the words of Jesus. We have participated in community efforts to settle immigrant families in Bracebridge, and in PWRDF, (Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund) which funds special projects at home and abroad. One such project during the pandemic sent food and supplies to a distressed indigenous community in Ontario’s north. 


    We support Manna Food Bank. We have had meaningful ministries to inmates at Beaver Creek Correctional Institution and with hospitals and nursing homes in the area. Our Messy Church program has offered food, fun, fellowship and Christian Education to community families. We have sponsored community dinners and have participated in the ‘Out of the Cold’ program. 

Social Justice

“What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8

People of St. Thomas have experienced the loving kindness of God. We believe that God is love. In faithfulness to the clear commands of the Judeo-Christian tradition, we believe that we are called to put God’s love into action in the world. We have representation on the newly formed Diocesan Social Justice Committee. This initiative of Archbishop Anne Germond has recently targeted the issue of poverty as its first concern. It is noted that the issue of poverty covers other issues of social justice such as indigenous concerns, homelessness, immigration, disease and so on.

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